Let's imagine nature for a moment without flowers. The earth would be very boring if it was only with grass, bushes, and trees. Colorful flowers adorn nature with its presence, giving it a magnificent beauty. Therefore, we can say that "flowers are the embodiment of nature". The word flower is like a synonym for beauty. Just as "beauty" is soothing, frustrating, exciting, attractive, stimulating, frightening, sad, a sense of purity, a feeling of peace and happiness, and the same emotions can be said about flowers. Flowers play a great role in nature in different directions, as we all know. Here we accentuate them from the aesthetic prism of course. Also, the role of flowers in our lives is multifaceted. This has been the case since ancient times. And the main thing is that the transmission of different feelings and fighters with the language of flowers which have been preserved until many years ago is a profound science. The role of flowers in every type of art is endless. It includes endless "gems" from painting, sculpture, mosaic, ceramics, etc., to music, theater, and tomb art. From time to time we will provide you with interesting articles on this subject.